Recording Arts 9 - 12
Terry Fox Secondary’s Recording Arts 9 to 12 is designed to give students the opportunity to learn a variety of music composition methods, production techniques and skills through inquiry and project-based learning. It is our goal to help students become confident enough in themselves to start producing their own music.
By the end of the course, students will be able to write, record and confidently publish pieces of their own music. We will achieve this by going over how to use a DAW (digital audio workstation), how to use MIDI instruments, basic music theory, how to track live instruments and how to self-promote via various social media platforms.
A component of this course is instruction in learning to play music, and new types of music on a potentially new instrument. A willingness to try new things and to take risks is a must! It is expected that all students are respectful and supportive of fellow classmates who leave their comfort zones to try new things and to explore new possibilities.